Is it really time for Five for Friday? I completely forgot until just this minute. It's been a crazy day that began with dropping off my son for an early morning cross country practice, and ended with a dental appointment to get a temporary crown. Can't wait to go back in a couple of weeks to get the permanent crown! You would think that for someone who has had 5 kids going to the dentist would not be a big deal...but that's just not the case for me.
This has been my first week home...summer school ended last Friday. I've been trying to accomplish a few things...
Well, first I shopped! I couldn't miss the TPT sale.
Then I posted August Pinterest Finds. There are so many great ideas out there, and once I start reading it's hard to stop!
I made new schedule cards...really needed these!

Then I made a set for a friend...
Now back to the piles and piles of laundry that need to be folded. I hope you have a great week and thanks so much for visiting my blog. Be sure to visit Doodle Bugs Teaching.
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